Laser Treatments

  • Benefits

    • Painless
    • Effective on all skin types

    Dr. Figlia is the first physician, in New Jersey, to launch painless laser hair removal.

    In general, laser hair removal is one of the most common cosmetic laser procedures. Devices for laser hair removal, being highly concentrated light into the hair follicle pigment which absorbs the light, and in turn, destroys the hair. Laser hair removal, particularly for fine and light hair has historically been the alexandrite laser, however, limitations when treating darker skin types kept it from being the universal choice.

    The Motus AX is the first high-speed alexandrite that makes it possible for darker skin types to benefit from the effectiveness of this laser type. This breakthrough is possible because of Moveo technology that delivers fast, more efficient energy, to destroy hair in the way that is painless and free from side effects.

    Is a Motus AX treatment right for me?

    One of the breakthrough benefits of the Motus AX is that it is safe and effective for light and darker skin types, whether you have fine hair or darker skin tone, the Motus AX can be used to painlessly target an area and permanently remove unwanted hair. The Motus AX can also be used on patients with tan skin however, it is always recommended that you talk to our Medical Director about your specific skin conditions before treatment.

    What makes Motus AX different from other lasers for hair removal?

    The three main differences between Motus AX and other technologies, for laser hair removal, are:

    1. Total comfort

    2. Speed and effectiveness of the treatment

    3. Use across all skin types

    The Motus AX illuminates the tradeoffs that come with other laser, hair removal options. For instance, the NDYAG laser can be used across skin types, but is less effective. Other technologies are highly effective however, the treatments are difficult to tolerate.

    Will my treatment hurt?

    One of the major benefits, of Motus AX is that the Moveo technology, is eliminates any discomfort, whereas other laser hair removal devices are highly painful and uncomfortable.

    How long will my treatment seek?

    Treatment length will vary depending on the area being treated. The Motus AX is relatively fast and we are able to complete a large area in under five minutes.

    How many sessions will I need?

    The number of sessions required to eliminate unwanted hair completely depends on the individual. A typical laser hair removal regimen is five consecutive treatments, spaced out one month apart. Maintenance treatments may be needed. Given the efficacy of the Motus AX, you will need fewer sessions and could go longer between each touchup treatment.

  • Benefits
    Sun damage
    • Fine lines
    • Wrinkles
    • Acne scars
    • Rosacea
    • Large pores and blemishes.

    Cool Peel is a brand-new way to safely and comfortably deliver. The benefit, of a traditional CO2 resurfacing treatment, is to target just a superficial layer of the skin tissue damage. Skin is removed, revealing younger and healthier looking skin.

    CO2 lasers are the gold standard for treating wrinkles age spots, acne scars, and other blemishes, as well as skin tightening and balancing skin tone.

    Many advances have been made to improve the side effects of CO2 treatments, but only the Cool Peel can deliver a fully ablative treatment without downtime. There is minimal risk of hyper pigmentation, demarcation or induced infection.

    A Cool Peel laser treatment can only be done by using the title CO2 laser. The Tetra's precision and control is the only laser to deliver energy at the right speed for superficial skin resurfacing results, without lingering heat that other lasers traditionally damaged the surrounding skin. This lack of unnecessary heat is where it gets its name and why you get an immediate aesthetic result with minimal downtime.

  • Benefits

    • Facial veins
    • Spider veins
    • Age spots
    • Sun spots
    • Rosacea
    • Birthmarks

    DenaVe uses a concentrated beam of light that targets blood vessels and pigmentation in the skin. The light is converted into heat, destroying the blood vessels and melanocytes (or melanin) while leaving the surrounding tissue undamaged.

    What makes DenaVe different from the other vascular lasers?

    The DenaVe Laser offers a number of benefits, but the two main advantages are increased precision and minimized side effects.

    First, Denave delivers energy at the optimal wavelength and speed to minimize damage to surrounding skin and Purpura, also known as blood spots, that are purple in color and can result when blood vessels are broken.

    Second, DenaVe is designed for unmatched precision. Only DenaVe has integrated EliteScan technology that allows the laser to better match the shape and size of the targeted area. Together, these benefits eliminate post treatment downtime.

  • Benefits

    • Overall skin texture
    • Decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes
    • Plumps hollowing areas such as tear trough grooves, cheeks, and temples

    Subnovii is the first plasma device to employ LF, low frequency technology, plus a patterned wave length and power combination. Subnovii is highly controlled. Low frequency emission means treatments are more precise, and healing time is reduced.

    What is plasma technology?

    Plasma technology takes advantage of fine layers of ionized, gas or plasma that exists along the surface of your skin. The Plasma Pen emits energy, that instantly penetrates a sub layer of skin targeting the precise spot and a sealed wound is created. This allows for the precise area of skin to kickstart the stimulation of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. The tip of the plasma device never actually touches the skin. It's the power of the molecular physics that gives this treatment its magic.

    The most popular areas are around the upper and lower eyes and around the mouth. We welcome you to discuss, with our Medical Director, which combinations of other aesthetic treatments are suitable with Subnovii.